step 1 of TechSpeak 10-step Process

Validate And Refine Your Ideas & Identify Early Customers

Many companies invent new products and develop features that they think, hope, and pray, their customers will use… and pay for…and very often, they’re wrong. 

After spending months building and perfecting their ideas, only a few of their customers end up using them…that’s a lot of wasted of time, money, and resources.

Not validating your feature ideas and functionality with your customers BEFORE you code them is probably the most costly mistake you can make. 

When you jump straight into coding without validating, you’ll end up building a lot of unnecessary features and functionalities that customers won’t end up using… resulting in a lot of wasted development.

In fact, the cost of not validating has a CASCADING EFFECT. First, you’ll waste time, money and resources in the development stage, and then more time, money and resources, at the sales and marketing stage. You will spend extra time and money at every stage…possibly for features and functionalities that no one will ever use.

In Step 1, our goal is to help you identify and refine the problem that you are solving - whether it is for a new product or a new feature for an existing product - and identify the exact early adopter customers who will pay for your solution.

You'll learn the step-by-step blueprint for how to talk to customers properly so you can identify painkiller ideas and the entire framework for conducting customer development (aka problem interviews)…including, how to identify what hypothesis to test and how to formulate your interview questions so they are connected to the hypothesis you’re testing. You’ll learn to ask better, smarter, and more focused questions and get better and more nuanced insights. And, you’ll learn how to set up and conduct the interviews so you receive genuine responses and you’re not simply leading users to your solution.