STEP 2 of TechSpeak 10-step Process
Validate And Refine Your Ideas & Identify Early Customers
In Step 2, you’ll be ready with a possible solution, for the idea that you've validated in step 1.
You'll learn how to build a click-through prototype without writing any code! And then refine your solutions with customers, BEFORE you jump into coding. Prototyping is an essential step in the product development process.
Because prototypes are easier, faster, and cheaper to create than writing code and because they are easy to create, you can use them to uncover potential usability issues and to quickly test multiple solutions with your customers before you implement any specific solution.
Just guessing what solution will resonate with your customers will always result in re-writing code.
Writing code is expensive, re-writing code is even more expensive.
You’ll learn the entire step-by-step process for creating interactive prototypes, an ideation framework to help you generate ideas, resources for where to find inspiration for your prototypes.
You will also learn the framework for conducting solution interviews, so you can refine your prototypes.
You'll learn how to build a click-through prototype without writing any code! And then refine your solutions with customers, BEFORE you jump into coding. Prototyping is an essential step in the product development process.
Because prototypes are easier, faster, and cheaper to create than writing code and because they are easy to create, you can use them to uncover potential usability issues and to quickly test multiple solutions with your customers before you implement any specific solution.
Just guessing what solution will resonate with your customers will always result in re-writing code.
Writing code is expensive, re-writing code is even more expensive.
You’ll learn the entire step-by-step process for creating interactive prototypes, an ideation framework to help you generate ideas, resources for where to find inspiration for your prototypes.
You will also learn the framework for conducting solution interviews, so you can refine your prototypes.