Why software product make great businesses

👋🏻 Hi!  It's so great to meet you at the Why software product make great businesses class where I showed you:
  • Why software products are your ticket to creating new revenue streams and scaling your business.
  • The must-have ingredients for a money-making software business.
  • Idea Frameworks and how to use your specific domain expertise to come up with software business ideas.

And as I already mentioned, I am very action oriented. I see so many people attending events, listening to webinars, and not taking action!

• Use this workbook as a reference guide for what you've learned in the webinar and

• Write down the action steps for changing the status quo so you can become more effective and efficient at running your tech startup as a non-technical founder.

Get 18 years of knowledge from a seasoned CTO

Nelly Yusupova (aka. DigitalWoman) is the creator of TechSpeak for Entrepreneurs.

She is a technology specialist, serves as “Acting CTO” and Tech Advisor for many start-ups, and is a consultant and strategist.

She has been featured as a tech expert in INC Magazine, NBC Today Show, Fast Company Magazine, Entrepreneur.com, NewsDay.com, O’Reilly, SmartMoney SmallBiz, TechRepublic’s Women’s Radio.She has been featured as a tech expert in INC Magazine, NBC Today Show, Fast Company Magazine, Entrepreneur.com, NewsDay.com, O’Reilly, SmartMoney SmallBiz, TechRepublic’s Women’s Radio.

TechSpeak for Entrepreneurs